A crisis-strewn week has left the single currency on the edge of a precipice, write Edmund Conway and Bruno Waterfield
The summit started as it meant to go on – in chaos, confusion and unintended farce. The big moment – the heads of state meeting which is supposed to be the centrepiece of every European summit – was scheduled to begin at 10am in the wood-panelled Bibliothèque Solvay in Brussels' European quarter, but as the hour approached, it became clear that nothing was doing. As more time passed, it became clear that something was wrong. Eventually, Herman van Rompuy – the new European president, in charge of his first big set-piece – explained that a snowstorm had held up a number of the participants. The meeting would be delayed by two hours.
It was a poor excuse. Everyone knew what was really holding up the summit. Behind the scenes, in ill-tempered exchanges in private conference rooms nearby, the grand European plan to help prevent Greece sliding into economic collapse was unravelling – and fast. In a radical move, the leaders – from President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany to the European Central Bank (ECB) president Jean-Claude Trichet – had already agreed to throw out the usual European Council agenda and replace it with one topic: Greece's economy. The problem was that no one could agree on what to do about the stricken nation.
By now, the story will be painfully familiar. The southern European nation was having trouble raising money. Never the most sensibly-run economy, Greece had seen its budget deficit balloon to terrifying proportions in the wake of the recession sparked by the financial crisis. To make matters worse, the incoming government, led by Prime Minister George Papandreou, had uncovered the fact that their predecessors had hidden billions of euros worth of borrowing outside their official statistics. The combined effect was to cause a sudden sharp increase in the country's borrowing rates and its default insurance spreads, as investors speculated that it was entering a fiscal debt trap from which it could no longer escape.
In such circumstances, a country would devalue its currency, but this is not an avenue open to a member of the euro like Greece. With investors pulling their money out of the country at such a rapid rate that the interest rate spread between Greek and German government bonds hit its highest level since the creation of the euro, it became clear that someone was going to have to step in and help.
It wasn't merely that Greece, a relatively small economy, was close to collapse; it was that, left unchecked, the panic could spread to Spain, Portugal, Italy or Ireland – all of whom suffer the same ballooning budget deficits and overburdened consumers.
For a whole swathe of euro members to be allowed to crumble would beg questions about the entire euro project. Indeed, as Papandreou pointed out at the World Economic Forum at Davos last month, the attack could be seen as a speculative assault on the euro, targeted at first through its "weakest link". As if to bear out his point, figures from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange released on Monday indicated that speculators had amassed their biggest positions against the currency since its foundation more than a decade ago.
So it was that a week before Thursday's summit, in a bilateral meeting in Paris, Sarkozy told Merkel that France and Germany would have to mastermind some kind of plan to protect Greece. His broad proposal was that the northern European nations should at the least issue a statement promising to stand behind Greece, and perhaps go so far as to spell out how much they would put into a potential lifeboat. Merkel was not convinced. For one thing, she was well aware that Sarkozy had his own political motivations for such a move: the alternative, an International Monetary Fund (IMF) bail-out, would enable IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Sarkozy's most likely opponent at the next French election, to ride in and "save the euro".
But, more fundamentally, by organising a bail-out Germany would be seen as providing unfair support for a country which had proven itself incapable of fiscal rectitude. Such a move would not only be hideously unpopular with German taxpayers, it would potentially encourage poorer countries to follow Greece's lead. Moreover, under the German constitution, such moves were legally tricky to organise.
And so the battlelines were drawn prior to a week of frantic behind-the-scenes negotiations as the French and Germans tried desperately to find common ground.
Finally, it seemed as if the ministers had patched together a deal. Some kind of bail-out package – a "firewall" provided by a "coalition of the willing", according to insiders – would be revealed at the summit.
Then came van Rompuy's excuse about the snow. But it wasn't ice and water that delayed the summit. That morning, the key players – Merkel, Sarkozy, Papandreou, Jean-Claude Juncker, head of the euro group of nations, and Trichet – held a last-minute meeting. According to insiders, voices were raised with Trichet and Merkel banging fists on the table as Sarkozy and Juncker tried to push for a bail-out plan. The statement that emerged from the meeting was a thinly-disguised compromise. Three-quarters of it seemed to be focused only on insisting that the Greeks cut their budget deficit by 4pc this year; the final paragraph, which appeared to be specifically aimed at appeasing the French, said: "Euro area Member states will take determined and coordinated action, if needed, to safeguard financial stability in the euro area as a whole," before adding: "The Greek government has not requested any financial support."
The hope was that the statement alone would be enough to reassure markets that in the event of a proper "sudden stop" in funding to Greece, the rest of the euro area would step in. However, the financial crisis has proven that without concerted plans to back them up, statements of broad intent are pretty useless at containing market concerns.
Within moments of the statement, the euro dropped to a nine-month low against the dollar and share prices in the euro area stalled. The rot continued on Friday and, according to economists, will persist unless finance ministers meeting tomorrow provide any detail on what a rescue package might involve.
What makes any hopes for clarity appear forlorn is that the euro has no mechanism for dealing with crises of this sort. It is monetary rather than fiscal union. As Martin Feldstein, a Harvard professor, puts it: "There's too much incentive for countries to run up big deficits as there's no feedback until a crisis."
The ECB could offer the country extra liquidity support, but there is a sense that unless other euro nations dip into their pockets the suspicions over Greece will linger – and those about the rest of the euro's debt recidivists. Juncker's plan would involve a web of bilateral loans from euro members, perhaps being made not directly but through state-owned banks, so as to circumvent those German constitutional obstacles.
However, it is an open question as to how the populations of those donor countries will take the proposal that they once again come to the rescue of their misbehaving neighbours. Nor indeed how the Greeks will take it when it emerges that their coruscating deficit cuts and public sector wage cuts are being overseen by the Germans. Although the political will is clearly still strong in Brussels to fight off any talk about a euro crisis, it is clear even to fans of the single currency that this is its single greatest test. According to Albert Edwards of Société Générale (himself not, it should be pointed out, a fan), "any 'help' given to Greece merely delays the inevitable break-up of the eurozone". The problem, he adds, is a "lack of competitiveness within the eurozone – an inevitable consequence of the one-size-fits-all interest rate policy.
"Even if the PIGS [Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain] could slash their fiscal deficits, as Ireland is attempting, to maintain credibility with the markets in the short term, the lack of competitiveness within the eurozone needs years of relative [and probably absolute] deflation."
This problem – that under eurozone rules Germany is able to pursue an entirely divergent economic strategy to its Mediterranean counterparts – suggests that the best course of action may be for Germany to pull out of the currency union, according to former Bank of England policymaker David Blanchflower.
"That might be the only solution," he says. "At the moment it simply isn't working. And the imbalance makes it almost impossible for countries like Greece or Ireland to escape from this situation."
It is not merely economists who have clocked on to this inherent weakness. According to Simon Derrick, of Bank of New York Mellon, the mood among investors feels not dissimilar to the time the Exchange Rate Mechanism faced speculative attack in the early 1990s.
Back then the targets were currencies; this time they are government bonds. But the objective is the same – to test whether governments really have the political will to persevere with a system plagued by inherent economic weakness and illogicality.
Has any hedge fund put its head above the parapet in this destructive trade, as George Soros did back then, owning up to shorting the pound before successfully "breaking" the Bank of England? Not yet, though the rumours are that John Paulson, the man who made billions betting against the US housing market, has significant positions against some of the weaker euro members. But a currency union is rather more difficult to break than an exchange rate agreement. Betting against the Europeans' political will to further integration remains a gamble.
Still, the difficulties have at least offered Gordon Brown a rare opportunity for genuine self-satisfaction. After all, he decided in 2003 – against Tony Blair's wishes – not to join the single currency, and only now is it clear how wise that decision was. Britain, though marred with similar fiscal difficulties as Greece, has at least had the luxury of being able to devalue the pound.
Business Secretary Lord Mandelson, the arch europhile, still clings on to the dream, saying last week: "I think in the longer term it would be in Britain's interests to be part of the eurozone."
Even with sterling, the UK can hardly rest easy. For one thing, British banks have a large balance sheet exposure to the troubled Club Med nations – estimated by the Bank for International Settlements to be around £240bn – so any collapse there would trigger a secondary crisis in London.
Second, the Greek crisis serves as a reminder that no country is immune to a sudden investor exodus. And if one runs one's finger down the list of leading nations, no prizes for guessing which country has a Greek-style combination of rocketing budget deficits, high current account shortfalls and rising national debt.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
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